Friday, September 15, 2006

NYSE/Euronext Merger Mania

For anyone as interested in this merger as I am, at the bottom of this site there is a table that allows you to get an idea of where the current Euronext share price is at versus where it should be/what it's worth. It's below all the posts but above the "under construction" segment at the VERY bottom.

As a side note, the current interest in NYSE and Euronext stock is very high when you consider that the estimated market cap from NYSE in the June disclosure is $20 billion - more than a billion UNDER what investors currently have sitting in these exchanges. I don't think NYSE anticipated their estimate to be under what it is really worth. Especially when you consider the market cap was around $18 billion one month ago. It's no wonder companies doing the buying in mergers historically tend to underperform. And I don't think that says anything about the buying companies necessarily, just seems to be the nature of the beast.

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NYSE/Euronext Merger

Enter the current share prices for NYSE and Euronext, as well as the USD/Euro Exchange rate and hit "calc" to view relevant data. Deal was announced 6/1/2006.

NYSE Share Price:
Euronext Share Price (Eur):
USD/Eur Exchange Rate:
Market Cap of NYSE+Euronext as of 5/31/06:(blns $US):
Current Market Cap of New NYSE/Euronext (blns $US):
Current Euronext Share Price in USD:
Euronext Change from 5/31/06 Close: % NYSE Change from 5/31/06 Close: %
Valuation of Current Euronext Shares
(a) Using current NYSE Price as new NYSE/Euronext Price:
(b) Using current Market Capitalization for NYSE/Euronext:
(c) Using $20 billion as Market Cap for NYSE/Euronext: